Deep-Sound Divers´ Think-Tank
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© copyright 2018
Members´ Area
About Donating
Deep-Sound Divers´ Corner
The World Is Sound
Experiments, Experiences and Philosophy
Audible Art
DIY Corner
The Adventures of Grandpa Soundstone
Modular Synthesis:
Softube´s Modular
SoloStuff´s SoloRack
Granular Techniques:
accSone´s CrusherX
Frequency Modulation And Phase Modulation
u-he´s Bazille
u-he´s Zebra
Retro, Remakes And Clones
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Modular Synthesis
Granular Sound Design
Gear and Applications
Crossing the Borders
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Softube´s Modular
SoloStuff´s SoloRack
accSone´s CrusherX
u-he´s Bazille
u-he´s Zebra
Frequency + Phase Modulation
Granular Techniques
Grandpa Soundstone
DIY Corner
The World is Sound
The History of Working
with Sound
Arturia - V Collection and Co.
Why not Your Choice?
Why not Your Choice?
Why not Your Choice?
Why not Your Choice?
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This chapter explains all principles, techniques and facts about modular synthesis, using two certain synth systems, but actually staying independent from them.
Dive deep into the world of grains and discover, what is going on in your sounds on the level of milliseconds. Hear melting ice screaming and rivers singing songs.
Let´s admit it: we love our gear and get crazy about the looks of our equipment. And after all: we urgently need some additional toys, don´t we? Nice to know what´s going on under the surfaces, don´t you think?
I wouldn´t go so far and call it a philosophy of sound. But the questions, approaches and experiments in this chapter are kind of unorthodox - and basic at the same time.
Well, concerning this perfect software emulation of real hardware modules I´m in love with details. And so is this series of tutorials. It certainly helps you getting the most out of your "Modular".
Seeing this synth I couldn't help starting a second series about modular synthesis. SoloRack is not an emulation of anything, but uses the possibilities of software to create modules of it´s -very - own kind.
This series does only one single thing: shedding light on every detail - even the smallest - of this flagship of a granular processor. You want to be called the "Grain Professor"? Well, take these tutorials in then.
Be sure to discover new aspects and possibilities of this monster of a softsynth even after years of working with it. Is there any sound at all, which cannot be created by "Bazille"? Let´s analyse some great patches made by masters of sound design.
The huge amount of modules and the extremely flexible way of combining them makes Zebra the go-to synth for complex sound design. This series of analysing fabulous patches deals with all versions of Zebra.
From the very basics to the state of the art machines of today this series of workshops leads you through the abstract matter of FM/PM. You´ll understand at last, what is it all about, even without a lot of maths.
This chapter introduces certain granular techniques and reports about projects, which instrumentalise granular processing to reach their goals. "Greenhorns" may watch the CrusherX tutorials 1-8 first.
...or: "Learning is Sexy". The fictive character of Grandpa Soundstone stumbles across the field of sound and computers, discovering fundamental relations, which enable him to build interesting gear.
...or: "Our hands can do more than hammering on different kinds of keyboards". Anyway, burning mom´s kitchen table with a soldering iron is an experience nobody should miss. :-)
Discovering sound outside of our studio. Experiments, experiences and philosophy of sound (here, at last, it comes: the "why at all are we doing, what we do every day?")
The world of Arturia´s Software Synths, V-collection and others.
Yes! I seriously lay a part of my (productive) live in your hands. Don´t hesitate telling me, what I should produce a video about. (Well, there are some conditions ...)
Yes! I seriously lay a part of my (productive) live in your hands. Don´t hesitate telling me, what I should produce a video about. (Well, there are some conditions ...)
Yes! I seriously lay a part of my (productive) live in your hands. Don´t hesitate telling me, what I should produce a video about. (Well, there are some conditions ...)
Yes! I seriously lay a part of my (productive) live in your hands. Don´t hesitate telling me, what I should produce a video about. (Well, there are some conditions ...)
Let me show you round:
Get yourself a samplepack or soundset.
Just click here.
The History of Working with Sound
We better know what our roots are.
* Grandpa Soundstone Part 4 *
4 November 2018
From Software to Real Sound
6 December 2018
* Arturia´s Keystep *
The first part of a mini series about
Arturia´s Keystep.
This part deals with the sequencer functions.
22 December 2018
* Modular City *
A whole town devoted to
modular synthesis in our
Members´ Area.
Please notice: Please visit the new version of this site at https://dev.rofilm-media.net.
29 April 2019
29 April 2019
2 new tutorials about Glitchmachines synth/FX VST "Palindrome"
29 April 2019
The first of 2 tutorials about Mutable Instruments "BRAIDS" are installed in Modular City
The adventures has begun:
Building a big modular synthesizer
from scratch.
A DIY video diary
25 May 2019
The next tutorial about Mutable Instruments "BRAIDS"
(waves 1 - 31)
is installed in Modular City
28 May 2019
The tutorial about how to work with the
patchbay of Behringer´s semi-modular synth
is installed in Modular City´s Hardware Workshop
25 July 2019
The 1. tutorial about the
Spectral Multiband Resonator (4MS)
is installed in Modular City´s Modules Incorporated
22 August 2019
"The legendary Fairlight CMI"
A very special tutorial about
17 September 2019
The first part of a series about
how to use vintage gear (hardware
and software)
in a modern home studio
27 September 2019
The 2. tutorial about the
Spectral Multiband Resonator (4MS)
is installed in Modular City´s Modules Incorporated