© copyright 2018
Modular Synthesis:
Granular Techniques:
Retro, Remakes And Clones
There are three chapters/pages at this website, which are concerned with hardware:
“Retro, Remakes and Clones” (this page)
“Gear and Applications”
“DIY Corner”
“Retro, Remakes and Clones” focusses on how to use the discussed synthesizers in modern nowadays production surroundings and how to integrate them in your common workflow.
Yes, there will be tests as well, tests carried out following the thoroughness and the love for details you are used to find in my videos and works. But the main point of “Retro, Remakes and Clones” is practical work with the gear.
And “yes” again, there will be useful and interesting background information about the machines.
How fast will this part of my website develop?
Let me be outright: it only depends on your donations.
Retro, Remakes and Clones