© copyright 2018
Modular Synthesis:
Granular Techniques:
Frequency Modulation / Phase Modulation Workshop 4
0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:50 COLUMN 1
0:02:50 Sytrus, the GUI (Overview)
0:03:20 The Main Tab
0:04:12 The Matrix
0:13:09 The Line Editors and Envelopes
0:17:55 Sytrus and DEXED (compared)
0:22:34 Comparing Modulation Envelopes
0:30:08 Transfering data between Sytrus,
DEXED, DX7, Korg Volca FM
0:35:28 COLUMN 2
0:35:28 Second Order Modulations
0:37:00 Ratios, Ratios, Ratios
0:38:48 Calculating Second Order Spectra
0:42:10 Miraculously Occuring Partials
0:47:00 More Ratios
0:51:16 Bringing It All Into a System
0:52:46 Developing an Extended System of FM/PM Sounds
1:28:18 Column 3
1:28:18 Analysing an Orchestral FM/PM
1:55:00 Some Words At the End
1:56:29 The End
Timeline and Content:
In column 1 of workshop 4 I introduce ImageLine´s FM/PM/RM synth “Sytrus”, compare it and its sounds to DEXED and talk about transfering data between DEXED, Sytrus, the DX7 and the Korg Volca FM.
In column 2 I talk about second order frequency/phase modulations, about modulating with waves others than sine waves.
And in column 3 I analyse an orchestral FM preset in Sytrus.