© copyright 2018
Modular Synthesis:
Granular Techniques:
The New Genetics of Sound Part 1
The "New Genetics of Sound" is a journey through the magic realm of audible things, of sound. It´s magical, it is metaphysical, it´s transcendental and it let´s you hear, see and feel my fascination for sound - as well as some simple scientific explanations.
Is there anything like a genetic code of sound?
Literally all of the comments I´ve got in emails and otherwise tell me: no, there isn´t. Sound isn´t made of matter. Sound is based on other principles than genes and DNS and molecules etc.
I had thougt so as well, before I started this series. The title was meant as a provocation, an eye catcher – nothing else. Of course there isn´t a genetic code of sound – I thought.
I´m not so sure about than anymore, now, after producing 3 parts of the series. The genes sound won´t be of any chemical structure – of course they won´t. But aren´t the axioms and postulates in mathematics like genes as well? Aren´t their combinations leading to mathematical rules really that different from real DNS in their meaning and importance for the field of maths?
So why shouldn´t exist something like those axioms in maths and those genes in biology in the field of sound as well?